06.05.2019. Notice for shareholders of "Port of Adria" JSC - Bar
06.05.2019. Decision BoD - Postponement of GA of Shareholders
01.04.2019. The Regular Meeting of Shareholders of Port of Adria JSC, scheduled for 6th June 2019. / Agenda
12.02.2019. Information on the results of voting at the XV Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of "Port of Adria" JSC - Bar
10.01.2019. Material for the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of the JSC Port of Adria, which shall be held on 31.01.2019, starting at 10:00
27. 12.2018. The Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders JSC Port of Adria scheduled for 31.01.2019. / Agenda
03.02.2018. The Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders JSC Port of Adria scheduled for 23.02.2018. / Agenda
25.05.2018.Material for the Regular Meeting of Shareholders of the "Container Terminal and General Cargo" JSC Bar, which shall be held on 05.06.2018, starting at 10:00h
1.1 A ballot
1.2 Annual financial statements
1.3 Notice related to Annual financial statements
1.4 Audit Report
18.05.2018. The Regular Meeting of Shareholders of Port of Adria JSC, scheduled for 05th June 2018. / Agenda
03.02.2018. The Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders JSC Port of Adria scheduled for 23.02.2018. / Agenda
31.03.2017. The Regular Meeting of Shareholders of Port of Adria JSC, scheduled for 06th June 2017. / Agenda
25.05.2015.Material for the Regular Meeting of Shareholders of the "Container Terminal and General Cargo" JSC-Bar, which shall be held on 05.06.2015, starting at 09:00h
1.Adopting the Minutes from the Regular Meeting of Shareholders of the "Container Terminal and General Cargo"JSC-Bar, held on 05.06.2014.
1.1 Minutes from the Regular Meeting of Shareholders of the "CTGC"JSC - Bar, held on 20.06.2014.
1.2 Draft Decision
1.3 A ballot
2.Information on the unique list of shareholders of the "Container Terminal and General Cargo" - Bar
2.1 Draft Dicision
2.2 A ballot
3. Adopting the Annual financial statements and the Business Report of the "Container Terminal and General Cargo" JSC - Bar for 2014 with the Audit Report
3.1 Annual financial statements
3.2 Business Report for 2014
3.3 Audit Report
3.4 Draft Decision
3.5 A ballot
4. Selection of the Audit firm for 2015
4.1 Analysis and an overview of the offers for revision
4.2 Draft Decision
4.3 A ballot
5. Adoption of the Report on the Work of the Board of Directors
5.1 Report on the Work of the Board of Directors
5.2 Draft Decision
5.3 A ballot
6. Dismissal and appointment of the members of the Board of Directors
6.1 Draft Decision on dismissal
6.2 Draft Decision on appontment
7. Change of the current name of the joint stock company
7.1 CEO`s Proposal
7.2 BoD Decision
7.3 Draft Decision
7.4 A ballot
8. Amendments to the Statute
8.1 Draft Amendments to the Statute
8.2 Draft Decision
8.3 A ballot
9. Amendments to the Rulebook on the Work of the Shareholders Assembly
9.1 Draft Amendments to the Rulebook on the Work of the Shareholders Assembly
9.2 Draft Decision
9.3 A ballot
01.04.2015. The Regular Meeting of Shareholders of CTGC JSC, scheduled for 05th June 2015. / Agenda
21.11.2013. The Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders scheduled for 24.12.2013. / Agenda
05.07.2013. The first Constitutive Meeting of the Board of Directors ``Container Terminal and General Cargo JSC- Bar`` was held on 2nd July 2013.
On this occasion a new Board of Directors was elected, Mrs. Branka Nikezić was apponted Chairperson of the BoD and Mr Tomislav Markolović was appointed Depty Chairperson of the BoD.
01.07.2013. The Regular Meeting of Shareholders of Container Terminal and General Cargo JSC-Bar was held on 28th June 2013.
At this occasion the following members of the Board of Directors were elected: Branka Nikezić, Zarija Franović, Tomislav Markolović and Ilija Vukotić as representatives of the State Capital and Aleksandra Mitrović representing Funds.
The regular Meeting of Shareholders adopted a Decision on the selection of Grant Thornton Revizit Ltd, Belgrade, for auditors of Container Terminal and General Cargo JSC-Bar financial statements for 2013.
Also a Decision on accepting the Report on Board of Directors, amendments to the Statute of CTGC JSC-Bar, as well as Annual financial Statements and the Business Report along with the Audit Report for 2012 were adopted.
28.05.2013. The Regular Meeting of Shareholders of CTGC JSC, scheduled for 28th June 2013. / Agenda
Material for the Regular Meeting of Shareholders of CTGC JSC
1. Adoption of the minutes form the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of the Container Terminal and General Cargo JSC-Bar
- Minutes from the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders
- Proposal of the Decision of the Meeting of Shareholders
2. Information on the Unique List of Shareholders of the Container Terminal and General Cargo JSC-Bar
- the list shall be available at the Meeting of Shareholders
- Proposal of the Decision of the Meeting of Shareholders
3. Adoption of amendments to the Statute of the Container Terminal and General Cargo JSC-Bar
- Proposal for the amendments to the Statute of the Container Terminal and General Cargo JSC-Bar
- Decision of the Board of Directors
- Proposal of the Decision of the Meeting of Shareholders
4.Adoption of the Container Terminal and General Cargo JSC-Bar Annual Financial Statements and Annual Business Report for 2012 along with the Audit Report of.
- Note from the CEO
- Set of financial statement forms for companies and other legal entities / Notes to financial statements for 2012
- Decision of the Board of Directors
- Note from the CEO
- Annual Business Report for 2012
- Decision of the Board of Directors
- Note from the CEO
- Audit report for 2012
- Decision of the Board of Directors
Proposal of the Decision of the Meeting of Shareholders
5. Selection of the Auditor for 2013
- Note from the CEO
- Proposal for the appointment of Auditors
- Decision of the Board of Directors
- Proposal of the Decision of the Meeting of Shareholders
6. Adoption of the Report on Board of Directors
- Report on Board of Directors
- Decision of the Board of Directors
- Proposal of the Decision of the Meeting of Shareholders
7. Dismissal/Release and appointment of members of the Board of Directors
- Proposal of the Decision on the dismissal/release of members of the Board of Directors
- Proposal of the Decision on the appointment of members of the Board of Directors
04.03.2013.Information on the results of voting at the VII Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of "Container Terminal and General Cargo" JSC - Bar
05.02.2013. Material for the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of the Container Terminal andGeneral Cargo JSC-Bar to be held on 04th March 2013, starting at 12:00h at the Head Office.
1.Adoption of the Minutes from the Regular Meeting of Shareholders
Proposal of the Decision of the Meeting of Shareholders
2. Introduction to the unique list of shareholders of CTGC JSC
(the list shall be available at the Meeting of Shareholders)
Proposal of the Decision of the Meeting of Shareholders
3. Establishing compensation for the members of the Board of Directors
Conclusion of the Board of Directors
Proposal of the Decision on compensation policy and on compensation for the members of the Board of Directors
05.02.2013. The Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders scheduled for 04.03.2013.