AGENT PLUS, a maritime river agency with its headquarters in Belgrade, presented its business development plans in Bar on November 14th 2014. The event, symbolically named „An evening with friends“- was an opportunity for awarding ZLATNO KORMILO (GOLDEN RUDDER) that this company presents to its best partner.
This year the award was presented to the Container Terminal and General Cargo JSC-Bar. Apart from this award, Mr Andrija Radusinovićö CEO of CTGC JSC was the winner of a special award SIDRO AGENT PLUS (AGENT PLUS ANCHOR) that is specifically given to individuals for their outstanding contribution to the establishment and development of long term and successful mutual business cooperation.
Presentation of the awards was attended by HE Zoran Bingulac, Serbian Ambassador to Montenegro, representatives of the Municipality of Bar, state authorities and public services, business partners and representatives of Montenegrin media.